yep, My prison. waiting for up to 40 minutes to sometimes 3 hours for guest to show. Then I'm so busy taking them back to the hotel.
Hi everyone, I've got nothing to complain about. It seemed that having a life worth fighting for is so much more entertaining than having the reverse. anyhow it's really popular with the ladies. but while i'm working I have to hide that all away. how do you feel about this? secret service double life thing?
I'll upload some pictures of me it seems from my past pictures i'm getting thinner in the face well works not complete yet. ever hear of losing weight by talking? the more you love talking the more you'll want people to talk to you. so you lose weight.
.. jun sick.. wish i had more practice with this chinese concept.. cherish? donno how to translate
Losing weight by talking? no wonder I'm so thin, I m talkative since young.How thin are you then?
em.. i was thin and took my body for granted. then i started playing computer games all the time instead of riding the bike. and of course you know what happens after that. I'd like to be thin again, but is gonna take work i guess. nope, gotta get thin alright.
if you really wanna see a picture of my fatness let me know. but please be gentle with me my feelings get hurt easily.. then i turn into a monster..
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