Tuesday, March 31, 2009

end of the month

quote from epoch tiems

... locals and relief workers maintain the 12-mile-long dyke that is holding back the near 39-foot water levels—the flood level is 18 feet, which is a frightening thought to residents.

“You sitting basically a ways below, in some places you're probably ten feet below the dykes, you know,” Kjera said. “This has never been seen before. You sort of get used to it, but not when you get water like this. This is unbelievable.”

The failing of the dyke is the worst fear of everyone in the town. To Kjera, this is even more of a reality, as a failing dyke is what caused him to lose his home.

When the flood warnings were first aired, he built a ring dyke (much smaller than the one in town) around his house, yet it only held back “a couple feet of water,” before it gave way to leaks.


Hi, end of the month. we are getting snow again, our weather is very temporary. And so with rapid warming the water level rises. South of us the water flows north and for the people in that are the water is trouble. A big flood is happening in that area and it seems once every ten years it happens. They did not invest in a flood way like we did, we are a bigger city. i'm not sure if this is true but the water from our floodway is spilling into their land. also they are furiously building dykes with sand bags, asking for 100,000 more volunteers. great spirit in that operation. great danger from the water. great worry is depressing, but no one says that they will not survive the flood.

In my home town, no one is worried about the water running into our city.

I am doing battle with cigarettes. I will quit. Now, time for a cigarette. till later, cya.


aSmiCe said...

Hi Andiec,

Thanks for keep visiting my blog. That current post is lyric of a song that I composed for someone.

You can talk about anything that happen in your life wat..if not, come out with some argumentative topic, or giving opinion on hot issue. If you are passionate enough, just copy some recent title from famous blogger and write something contrast to critic back..haha, I guess it is a good idea too. Or you can find a friend, sharing one same topic and see who is funnier...

Hope you can quit your cigat.

Anyway, I don't like strawberry, muahahaha


aSmiCe said...

Appreciate a lot! I really need that.

Ok lets brainstorm of some nice topic. I will return to you when I have one.

Ya...Nice to meet you.

Andiec said...

nice to meet you too asmice, been a fan for your super funny blog a while now.

this music stuff you girls do is great, I'll keep your links handy in case i ever run into someone who can make both you stars. hmm that would be interesting. well keep it up.