Saturday, April 4, 2009

dinner conversations

Argument: Attention.


Although there are bad ways and good ways, getting attention anyway is all good. When people are focused on me and the crap i shit out of my mouth I feel like I'm the life of the party, this makes me confident. A confident is better than being scared, and i can 'power up' this way fairly easily, and more or less whenever I want.


Getting attention is good, often times people would want this when they have something valuable to parlay, a message to present, or if they are a cute dog who likes to yap which people can mollycoddle for abit. Bad attention is when you have nothing valuable to add, your message is unclear, you put people off to make yourself look good and - you won't shut up jus like the little dog. with this kind of noise garbage I suggest you see a psychiatrist because no person your age should be this active when it comes to being rude to someone you completely don't even know.


no synthesis, stay the ehll away from my table with your sound. I wish i could know your car, i would go outside and slash all your tires.

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