Thursday, February 11, 2010


man life is great. I just finished my certificate from the college with honours. What does this mean? out of the 12 classes i took 10 were A+'s and the other 2 were plain A's. Why this is great.. well just imagine it all came so easy, I lucked out and did my work, and it all just fell into place. To be honest, I did get a B somewhere but that was on my final exam, I just didn't quite have what it takes to study for knowledge and regurgitation stuff. MY strengths is with practicum, and presenting. The Sad thing? well when i went to convocation, I saw on the list of people graduating in my same class, a "*" next to everyone's name.. what? well that means they graduated with honours as well. lucky i guess the list was short, but still, like my boss says.. that really takes away from the prestige. i agree.

well, folks with an update to the affiliate marketing, i'm quite happy to report a sudden spike in sales. I found the $20 dollars in sales for about 6 hits refreshing, especially after well, a half year of stagnation. but not only that tho, the six hits came from one night after i updated the search engines' sitemap, so the searchable site got those hits right away. well, master plan has been hatched for dominance of the market, and I hope people find this site trustworthy in the future. and of course become e-patrons.

check out the page. Business cards cheap made here.

Work, so you see.. I've graduated now, sure, only a certificate, but to tell you the truth i don't know the difference between certificate and diploma, some people say the amount of courses you have to take. I'm quite confident that I have the right drive, and the necessary tools to go into the future of my field. dreams being to absolutely make something of earth shattering importance to the Internet. .. Being a little bit strange I often fantasize about putting the ghost into the web, kind of like the japanese manga "lain" and like the name of another manga "ghost in the the shell"

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