Sunday, September 6, 2009


If you're a fan of Chinese food, let me tell you these guys have got all the old tricks, and are happy to show you the new.

This restaurant is successful, and you can tell by their delivery car. the food here is great for Canadians, and I was able to see thier staff meal which the staffers ate with much pride.

They have this customer service experience which is quite unique, the owners seem to be well into the idea of getting right into giving you a memorable experience. An example of their super nice attitude would come from when I saw once that they had a newspaper guy come in on a busy saturday. The place was jampacked. And this ad-pepper gentleman was trying to sell them a week of advertisment for $400, they didn't right off tell him, to get out, but instead took him to where no body was really listening, and i guess told him to come back some other time, maybe enjoy some of the food for now.

Being a Chinese restaurant, I found it funny that they were saying if Good Earth Cafe's every came to Winnipeg that they would wonder about Name rights. I'm not a lawyer so i couldn't comment, but even I did I'm sure they wouldn't take it seriously.

Anyhow everytime I go I leave feeling like i'm full. I love the chinese food they have it's so.. traditional and well done. Who doesn't love chicken balls with S&S sauce? If you asked me to rate it i'd go by the buffet alone and give it a cool million points for warmth of atmosphere and goodness of food.


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